In this week’s newsletter, we’re looking into the nuances of hand placement in Chaturanga and what really matters. If you’ve spent any time with me, you know I like to find the why, I like to push boundaries, and I like to challenge ways of thinking. I think it’s absolutely essential to question long-held postural beliefs in yoga to continually …
5 Yoga Poses I No Longer Teach
For those who have practiced with me over the years, you know that my style has evolved. So has my personal practice. I no longer teach or practice the same way I used to. I think this is the natural evolution of yoga and, really, of life. We learn, we grow, we adapt, we change. A question I often get …
5 Essential Tips to A Better Wheel
The #1 question I get, and it doesn’t matter if they’re new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, is something along the lines of “How do I improve my wheel?” or “How do I get a better looking wheel?”. While you won’t reach enlightenment because of your wheel pose, I get wanting to improve it. Good things come with improving …
A Better Way To Do Camel Pose
I’m guessing most of you don’t really think when going back into camel. Most likely, you just start to bend backwards, grab your heels, press hips forward and chest up. Did you know there’s a way that you can create lots of eccentric strength and control while also limiting the hinge the lower back, creating more comfort in the lumbar …
Are You Really Stretching Your Hip Flexors?
Long read ahead, but IMO it’s worth it 😀 Are your hip flexors tight? Do you practice anjaneyasana thinking you are getting the hip flexors? If you are, you might be missing a big part of the puzzle. Why? ✅ Your rectus femoris, one of your quads, is your primary hip flexor. Doing anjaneyasana with the hips low and down, …